Unifund CCR Partners are a scam artist

Unifund CCR Partners are a scam artist

Keep sending me a garnishment summons from court on a old credit card debt back from 90's that i had when i lived in florida now i live in virginia they are going by statues of limitations in virginia and that wrong.

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Reason of review:
Statues of limitations run out
Roger F Bxt

Not as bad as others have said it was

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I have 18k in credit card debt from CapOne that Unifund got assigned to after I defaulted and stopped making payments for a year.

I called in expecting the worst based on the reviews but the person I spoke with was nice, clear and didn't cut me off when I told him my financial situation.

We ended up settling the debt at a significant reduction with me making affordable payments for 24 months to get it all settled. I told them I would not start until I got everything in writing and they said that was fine.

Two days later I get a letter in the mail with all the conditions for my review and sign off. They even included an envelope with a stamp to send it all back in.

There website is also very good and allows you to see your current status as well as all the documents they have for you in PDF format which is very handy.

It sucks owing creditors money but of the 9 different debt companies I have delt with this year they were the best ones.

Now my reviews for RasLavar, Portfolio Asset Services and others are going to be much different then this one.

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  • Good customer service and good web site
Reason of review:
Good customer service
Garry I
map-marker Detroit, Michigan

Taking unauthorized funds

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

My bank US Bank was contacted and a garnishment was issued to take funds from my account. I had previously explained to Mendelson Law Firm not to contact Unifund anymore because I only receive US Army retirement, social security security disability, and VA disability.

But they went ahead and contacted my bank and withdraw $1,200.00 from my savings account. My bank charged me $100.00 to process this transaction, and it is not fair. I contacted Mendelson Law Firm, they requested I send 3 months of my checking and savings account. Upon me sending the information, they have released the funds to come back to me.

I am trying to get someone to reimburse me the $100.00 fee that was accessed from my account to perform this transaction?

In 2018 they extended this judgement for an additional 10 years. At that time I had spoke with someone from the Mendelson Law Firm, and told them that is all that I have coming in is my retirement, my SS disability, and VA disability.

Therefore they should not have contactef my bank for more funds. I want Mendelson Law Firm to reimburse my $100.00 and or send me a letter so I can submit it to my bank where I can try to get my money refunded to me.

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  • Worse than speaking with donald trump
Reason of review:
Bad business practices

Preferred solution: Full refund

map-marker Detroit, Michigan

Account number they give isn't real

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

On first contact, they gave account number. When I called them, they said that number don't exist.

Account paid in full. Request refund on bad collection practice.

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Joel B Bxu
map-marker Ashtabula, Ohio

Please Stop Harassing Me

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Unifund is nothing but losers who call well after 9pm threatening you on debts you don't even owe. Get your *** together and do something useful with your life.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Full refund

Joe D Npf
map-marker Cincinnati, Ohio

They collect on illegal judgments

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This company has worked with ASTA Funding / Palisades collections to enforce illegal judgments and collect amounts they know are not due. If you are contacted by them you need to contact a debt collection attorney right away.

Its extremely likely that there is some problem with your account or that you dont owe the amount at all. This company has helped ASTA/Palisades commit a nationwide fraud against tens of thousands of consumers. This includes robo-signing affidavits in support of default judgments, suing after the statute of limitations has passed, incorrectly accruing post judgment interest, incorrectly posting payments or not posting payments at all and many other illegal activities.

As soon as you hear from them, get a lawyer! For more fraud details check out http://www.palisadescollections.com/

View full review
Reason of review:
illegal debt collection

Preferred solution: vacate illegal judgments

map-marker Cincinnati, Ohio

Unifund CCR, LLC - How to beat them!!!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

The information contained within is nothing more than my opinions intended to assist others who are being sued by the bottom feeding *** known as Unifund CCR, LLC. (or any other “junk debt collector).

These opinions are based on my own research and experience in court. I hope you can learn from my mistakes. I am not an attorney and I do not claim to be! Use this information at your own risk!

It is my opinion that Unifund CCR,LLC are nothing more than bottom feeding "junk debt" collectors. Theses *** bags buy old debts in bulk without verifying the legitimacy of these debts. They aggressively pursue collection of these alleged debts. More often than not, there is little or no proof of the legitimacy of these debts.

Arguments to consider may include: • The absence of any signed contract • The absence of ANY signed documents • The absence of any transaction receipts • The absence of a detailed list of accounting that would include all charges, payments, interest and other charges that would show how they came up with the amount they are seeking. • Your name is not listed on the sales contract from the original creditor. • Inaccurate information such as name & address. • Debt is past your states statute of limitations.

• Plaintiff’s declarant cannot have first-hand knowledge of the debt and never worked for the original creditor. • The court venue is over the 150 miles limit per the rules of CCP98. Unifund CCR, LLC files lawsuits without ever having any intention of having the original creditor testify to the legitimacy of the alleged debt, therefore they almost always file a "DECLARATION OF AUTHORIZED AGENT IN LIEU OF LIVE TESTIMONY". This declaration is basically nothing more than a BIG LIE by a person who has absolutely no real first-hand knowledge of the alleged debt!

The declarant is someone who works for Unifund CCR, LLC. They signs an abundance of declarations where he or she is stating that any and all of the documents supporting their case is legitimate and accurate - this is THE BIG LIE their whole case is often based on, therefore this is a VERY GOOD area to concentrate on and to base your defense – I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU SUBPOENA THE LYING DECLARANT!!! The truth is that the declarant more than likely has never ever worked for the original creditor and therefore has zero first hand knowledge of the legitimacy of the alleged debt. Unifund CCR, LLC knows that most defendants WILL NOT subpoena the Unifund CCR, LLC declarant, THIS WAS THE WORSE MISTAKE MADE IN MY CASE!

Had I subpoenaed the declarant, I more than likely would have won my case! Unifund CCR,LLC has no intention on having their declarant testify and counts on the likelihood that you will not subpoena them. The Unifund CCR, LLC employee signing the declaration more than likely lives in another state, and has no interest in flying them to the place of the hearing. In my case, the declarant lives in Cincinatti Ohio.

This lying Unifund CCR, LLC employee was named Stacy Spencer and she works for Unifund CCR,LLC in Cincinnati Ohio. My case was in California which is over the 150 miles limit per the rules of CCP98, you may want to read this rule and see if it will apply in your case. I believe Unifund CCR, LLC was in violation of CCP98. I strongly believe my case should have been dismissed do to the violation of CCP98 although in the end, my brain dead judge did not agree - I strongly disagree with the judges decisions but this judge is known for making wrong decisions and has no business being a judge.

I am looking at filing a complaint against this judge. Make sure to SUBPEONA THE UNIFUND CCR, LLC DECLARANT! You have the right to question them and prove to the court that they do not have any first-hand knowledge of the case. Here are some questions I would consider asking the declarant • Ask them if they ever worked for the original debtor • Ask for the original signed contract • Ask them for the full accounting detail • Question their experience • Ask how many accounts he or she deals with on a daily or monthly basis - this is likely a high number, I would then question how he or she can possibly know the accuracy of your particular account when dealing with so many accounts Give it some thought and come up with your own set of questions that would apply to your case.

It is likely that the declarant will not show up to court and you will then win your case if you subpoenaed them. If they do happen to show up, you likely required Unifund CCR,LLC to pay for his or her traveling expenses that they really hate having to pay not to mention paying for their time on the clock! Keep in mind that you are likely dealing with a *** lawyer with no morals and will lie and say anything he can to win his case so SHOW UP TO COURT WELL PREPARED and kick their ***! Other suggestions: • In my case, at the end of the "Declaration of Authorized Agent in Lieu of Live Testimony", the declarant Stacy Spencer failed to properly identify herself properly and she signed her name very sloppy making it impossible for me to identify & subpoena her - her name was not typed below her signature as any legal form should be.

This issue was brought up in court although as stated before, I had a terrible judge that felt I should have put forth the effort to find out who the declarant was and subpoena her - I whole heartedly disagree! • The declaration in my case specifically stated that the Declarant has "personal knowledge of the transactions" which is simply not true! This would have been a great area for me to question the declarant under oath, had I subpoenaed her. I would have reminded the declarant that he or she is under oath and site the penalty for committing perjury that I would aggressively pursue.

• In my case, the declaration stated that "the absence of a record is a trustworthy indication that an act or event did not occur or the condition did not occur". It is my belief that the absence of an original contract and accounting records was the Plaintiff’s failure to prove their case. I believed this to be a legitimate argument and was brought up in court although this bias judge did not agree. • Make sure to respond to everything you receive such as “Interrogatories”, “Request for Admissions”, ect...

It is a good idea to request the same thing of them. You can get the court pleading paper templates (which is line numbered paper) in some versions of Microsoft Word or download the templates online. Ask the Plaintiff for anything you believe will help you with your case, especially if it is something critical to the case that you think they may not be able to produce such as an original signed contract. You can ask the same questions that they ask of you.

You can search google for samples of these documents that you can use as a foundation for your court documents. Do not be surprised if the Plaintiffs’ lawyer responds to your request with generic answers that fail to answer your questions. Go ahead and play their stupid games and do the same to them. Their failure to provide your requested documents further suggests that they do not exist.

An answer to consider giving them is “I do not recall” or “research is ongoing”. One question I asked in my Interrogatories was for Unifund CCR, LLC to provide the names address and telephone number of each person who has knowledge of the facts relating to the case - they failed to provide the name of their declarant. I should have advised the courts to let them know that the Plaintiff failed to comply with my requests. • Verify that the account in question is not past your states Statute of Limitations - in California, it is four years.

The clock starts ticking at the time of your last payment or default, whichever occured last. If you can prove it is past the statute of limitations, address the court of this fact and you have won your case! • In many cases, the alleged debt may have been sold and transferred hands several times after being sold by the original creditor - this is called the chain of custody. Your name is probably not specifically listed in the transfer or “Bill of Sale “from the original creditor which may be a good point to argue.

In my case, the Bill of Sale specifically states this "The sale is without recourse to assignor and without warranty of any kind (including , without limitation, warranties pertaining to title, validity, collectability, accuracy, or sufficiency of the information, and applicability of any statute of limitations) except as stated herein". This statement in itself tells you that the basis of their whole case may be inaccurate. • Dealing with a lawsuit may seem a bit intimidating but if you take a deep breath, do some research, you will do just fine. • Keep in mind that your answers and responses do not have to be perfect, believe me, these *** lawyer’s answers are often very vague and ambiguous.

The main thing is to respond to all requests. You may even consider filing a counter suit against the Plaintiff. Search the web, there is a ton of information out there! GOOGLE & YAHOO may become your two next best friends.

Below are some links that you may find helpful in your fight with the bottom feeders: 1. https://www.scribd.com/document/30072****/How-to-Beat-Debt-Collectors 2. https://www.naela.org/NAELADocs/PDF/NALI/BO%2011NALI%202013%20Debt%20Collection%20Hands%20On%20Practice_AL%20format_LINK.pdf 3. http://www.thelangelfirm.com/Debt-Defense-Blog/2012/February/10-Reasons-why-CACH-LLC-was-unable-to-prove-its-.aspx 4.

http://wwwprofessionaldebtbeater.blogspot.com/ 5. http://www.howtoansweracreditcardlawsuit.com/ 6. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/defenses-credit-card-debt-lawsuits.html 7.

https://www.creditinfocenter.com/community/topic/310276-a-victory-against-unifund/ 8. http://www.howtowinacreditcardlawsuit.net/failure-to-show-ownership-of-debt-florida-case-law/

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Reason of review:
Lying thiefs

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution


Amazing! Thank you


I won my case against unifund for $32,000 they bought my debt from Citibank. they produced a witness affidavit past Discovery cutoff date.

I had the witness affidavit excluded from the case and won. To this day I do not believe that witness even existed.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1754847

Just to make it clear the witness was the supposed custodian of records which they have to produce!! they cannot win without a custodian of records from Citibank with personal knowledge of your account.

Ranvir Hdx

I am being sued by unifund ccr. They say I have a debt from 1999.

I have asked for verification. I have asked for this since 2016 when I found out they got a default judgment on me. They served me to an address in a different state that I was living in. I have been trying to fight this but because I can not afford attorney I get shot down everytime.

I really need help. Can someone help ke

Margarer P Hhu
reply icon Replying to comment of Ranvir Hdx

I’m in the same situation... They said I was personally served a letter but I never received letter until after court date in 2005..

Then in 2018,!they revised it.. it started out @ 1,600, then 2,800.. Now it is $23,000 or more with interest & fees...

I’m trying everything I can to have this appealed because they are definitely a fraud company. I’m planning on going bankrupt to end this once & for all....


This is very helpful. Very worked for companies that basically got rid of the *** What you said is correct and we won against them and then turned around and sued them for the harrasing calls no proof if debt.

Which they must gave all the original documents from the original creditor. Which they don't that's why they pay a fraction of what the debt actually is. If you read and do your research you can take them down easily. Not only that the original creditor put it as a charge off and they have insurance for a reason the get some of it back and also got paid from the *** collectos.

I've talked to them and they hung up on me because they know I can get them. Don't fall for their bs whoever reads this. Fight for your rights. Credit companies are also taking money from consumes who aren't aware.

That's why bank and credit companies get sued. Biggest scam is over draft garbage. Oppt out the make tons of money. Wells wFargo is the biggest culprit I left them because of that and won't pay their stupid fee.

I'm witha different bank and have no issues. Good luck to all.

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Joylene Ydj
map-marker San Jose, California

Found old lien while searching my name

They just informed me that another company is handling my account, which is dated 2009. Now must contact Quall Car Dot

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This company calls me from the county I have no idea what they are talking about. I am not working my only car is broke down and I am on a fixed income and they want my money...

Very pissed

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Garbage Collectors come on Fridays to pick up

These guys are giving me their garbage. I do not want it.

I give enough garbage out every Friday I do not need anymore to plug up the system.

As far as I am concerned they can deposit themselves in the trash and save everybody the headache. 100 words {{REDACTED}}

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service






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Reason of review:
Poor customer service


I have not ever been served or even know about the debt they are talking about, I have had fake(so called) Employment verifications,called to my place of employment, on a daily basis, The name they were asking for was a maiden name that has not been used since 2004,I have no Idea what this pertains to and do plan on fighting this with a lawyer, They will be paying me for harassment , and the embarrassment of my co workers speaking behind my back ,this is fraud the phone calls were coming for a few years before my boss was served,He Is also Pissed, and there is a possibility I will lose my job, I will know after the 4th of july Holiday,Thank you Very Unhappy

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Reason of review:
Not as described/ advertised

Preferred solution: Stop all this garbage, loss of job is not Funny


Unifund CCR Partners - Customer Care Review

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Unifund sent a letter to my job to garnish my wages for 3000 plus dollars for a debt they claim i owe from 2004.... I called the company and they couldnt give me any information about what was going on but they did offer me to pay the amount in full if i wanted the garnishment lifted...

I have no idea where this debt came from they are saying a credit card from Chase Jp Morgan bank... Never had a credit card from them... As i read the garnishment application amd order from Unifund i realize that they want u to pay the attorney the money and not the company....

Now they are getting invested.. And i plan to sue this company for false documents and forge signatures on court orders....

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
1 comment

I am having the same problem my paycheck is being garnished and i do not know what i own this company never heard of it. What do you recomment me do?

Thank you.



Here is my incredibly anger producing story about UNIFUND CCR Partners. I have recently received a notification from the IRS, stating that I under reported my income in 2015 in the amount of 3,536 Dollars.

After some investigating, I discovered that UNIFUND CCR Partners reported an income of the above amount under my SS# to the IRS. ILLIGAL and unethical practice on the the part of UNIFUND CCR Partners. Now, I am dealing with the IRS to have this "income" taken off my record with them.

I am filing a complaint with the BBB, as well as the UNIFUND CCR Partners. I'm going all the way to Attorney General's with my complaint!

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Reason of review:
ILLIGAL and Unethical practice

Preferred solution: Full refund

1 comment

They just started calling and harassing me bout something I never took out said it was from 2010 but they filed in Nov. 2007 AMD I dont know what to do. Only one please help

map-marker Harker Heights, Texas

Filed lien 3 years after bankruptcy

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Unifund CCR filed a lien on our home 3 years after the bankruptcy specifically dismissed the debt of the credit cards represented by Unifund. They never notified us that they had filed a lien and we just found out when we went to sell our home in 2016.

We now have to find them, talk to them and ask them to remove the lien before we can sell our home.

Our attorney said this is not the first time Unifund has tried this. He recommended we let them know we will take them to court if they do not comply.

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  • Suck
Reason of review:
remove lien from our home

Preferred solution: Remove lien on our home

1 comment

Same thing is happening to us..do u have a number tht these people can be contacted

map-marker Chambersburg, Pennsylvania

Unifund forged signatures

I am being sued by Unifund CCR LLC for an old Citibank credit card debt that is no longer even on my credit report as a charge off. I recently discovered through research on the internet that the original bill of sale ( which looks like it was written by back yard business solutions was signed by a Patricia Hall supposedly for Citibank but I have found (5) different signatures for this person on different court documents, In addition their proof of indebtdness contains no information that could not be found out in 15 minutes on the internet and was notarized by a Carolyn E, Hughes a notary public from Jackson County Missouri.

In a court document from San Mateo County, CA I found a signature by the same Carolyn E, Hughes different from my court papers. I would be very interested in court papers from anyone with Patricia Halls or Carolyn E. Hughes signature also one J. Nichols who supposedly authored the proof of indebtedness in my case because I think she is a robo signer who signed J.

Nichols to avoid being discovered and subpoenaed to court and as a robo signer would have no knowledge of my debt.

The whole thing is a fraud by Unifund CCR LLC. Fed up in MD.

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Reason of review:
Problems with payment

I have fraudulently signed Affidavits from Unifund CCR, LLC too. Two different signatures by an Affiant called Ashley Clayton.

If others have signatures, we need to share to expose these rats!

Maybe Ashley Clayton should contact me as they are using her name on all of these fake affidavits and she may not even be aware of this federal fraud.

Also have the Bill of Sale signed by Patricia Hall.

Please contact me at Sharon_Roze@***.com

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1236985

I am being sued by midland funding and the notary is Carolyn E Hughes, i decided to search due to the bill of sale and other docs looking suspicious to me. I believe these are all fraud related. What can we do?

Ari Mkl
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1650444

What does your signature look like? Send to zjbry31@***.com and I'll send you what mine looks like from Carolyn


Go to Credit Info Center & search Patricia Hall in the forum site. People have posted her signature there. How could a notary in Missouri notarize Patricia Hall's signature when she is in South Dakota?

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Unifund CCR Partners is one of the country's leading purchasers, sellers and managers of consumer debts from major banks and financial institutions of all sizes. Unifund offers debt buyers the opportunity to purchase customized portfolios of accounts through off-the-shelf transactions and periodic auctions. The company has been in the market since 1986. The company offers portfolio histories, chain of title and other pertinent information. Among the customers of the company are collection agencies, distressed asset investors, financial institutions, law firms, real estate/mortgage firms, resellers, and title companies. In order to become the company’s client applicants should fill in an online form and sign Confidentiality Agreement.

Unifund CCR Partners reviews and complaints

Unifund CCR Partners is ranked 25 out of 338 in Collection Agencies category

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